Colon cancer, a disease with significant prevalence and often severe consequences, is not immune to the spread of myths and misconceptions. Despite advances in medical knowledge, outdated beliefs and half-truths continue to circulate, clouding our understanding and potentially delaying crucial interventions. In this blog, we dismantle common myths surrounding colon cancer, separating fact from fiction and empowering readers with accurate information to navigate their health journey with clarity and confidence.

  1. Myth: Only older adults get colon cancer.
    Fact: While age is a significant risk factor for colon cancer, it can affect people of any age, including young adults.
  2. Myth: Colon cancer only affects men.
    Fact: Both men and women are at risk of developing colon cancer.
  3. Myth: If you don't have a family history of colon cancer, you won't get it.
    Fact: While having a family history of colon cancer increases your risk, many cases occur in individuals with no family history.
  4. Myth: Colon cancer is not preventable.
    Fact: Colon cancer is largely preventable through regular screening tests such as colonoscopies, which can detect precancerous polyps for removal before they turn cancerous.
  5. Myth: Colon cancer is always fatal
    Fact: When detected early, colon cancer is highly treatable, and survival rates are high. However, late-stage colon cancer can be more challenging to treat.
  6. Myth: Colon cancer symptoms are always noticeable.
    Fact: Early-stage colon cancer often has no symptoms, which is why regular screenings are crucial for early detection.
  7. Myth: Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly cannot lower your risk of colon cancer.
    Fact: A healthy lifestyle, including a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, along with regular exercise, can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
  8. Myth: Colonoscopies are painful and inconvenient.
    Fact: While the idea of a colonoscopy may be daunting, advancements in anesthesia and technology have made the procedure much more comfortable, and it is a crucial tool for early detection and prevention of colon cancer.
  9. Myth: If you have no symptoms, you don't need to worry about colon cancer.
    Fact: Colon cancer can develop without any noticeable symptoms, which is why regular screenings are recommended, especially for individuals at higher risk due to age, family history, or other factors.
  10. Myth: Colon cancer is a death sentence.
    Fact: With advancements in treatment and early detection, many people diagnosed with colon cancer can be successfully treated and go on to live healthy lives.

Armed with the knowledge of truth versus myth, let's take action. Schedule that overdue screening, encourage loved ones to prioritize their health, and spread awareness. Let's be advocates for accurate information, champions of early detection, and supporters of those facing colon cancer. Together, we can dispel falsehoods and save lives. Take the first step today – educate, empower, and inspire change. Your health matters, and so does the truth.

For more information on our screening and treatment options, visit our page or call 614-456-HOPE for a physician referral to learn more. Additionally, you can take our colorectal cancer screening to assess your risk for colon cancer. Once submitted, a Nurse Navigator will contact you within 7 days at the number you provided.