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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

Showing 21-40 of 1951 Provider Results

Kathleen R Coleman, APRN
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Family Medicine
Mount Carmel Hospice & Palliative Medicine
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Phone: 614-234-0200
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Denice R Taylor, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Wound Care
Central Ohio Wound Ostomy Services LLC
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Phone: 614-861-1120
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Vijay Ravipati, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group

4.9 out of 5 (86 ratings)

Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
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Phone: 614-627-2000
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Shilpa A Padia, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
General Surgery

5.0 out of 5 (126 ratings)

Mount Carmel Breast Surgery
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Phone: 614-627-1420
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Tina V Kuba, DNP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Mount Carmel Psychiatry
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Phone: 614-627-1600
Gregory E Weisenberger, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Internal Medicine

4.8 out of 5 (233 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group - Reynoldsburg
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Phone: 614-627-1375
Christopher Baran, NP, PhD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network

4.9 out of 5 (348 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group Big Run
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Phone: 614-627-1599
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
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Timothy P Nuss, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network

4.8 out of 5 (243 ratings)

Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
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Phone: 614-627-2000
Rebecca A Ware, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Mount Carmel Psychiatry
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Phone: 614-627-1600
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Kendra L Radcliff, MD
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  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Internal Medicine

4.9 out of 5 (207 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group TriVillage
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Phone: 614-627-1640
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
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Jordan L Fontes, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
Neurological Surgery
Mount Carmel Neurosurgery
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Phone: 614-627-1430
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Sivaraman Sivaswami, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Pulmonary Medicine

4.8 out of 5 (143 ratings)

Mount Carmel Pulmonary & Sleep Taylor Station
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Phone: 614-627-1300
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Adam B Solliday, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Mount Carmel Pulmonary & Sleep Taylor Station
More Location Information
Phone: 614-627-1300
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Bethany L McCauley, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Cardiovascular Disease
Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
More Location Information
Phone: 614-627-2000
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Steven C Boysel, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Family Medicine

4.9 out of 5 (315 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group New Albany
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Phone: 614-627-1878
Barbara A Phillips, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists North Meadows
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Phone: 614-627-2000
Basil Jaradah, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Family Medicine
Phone: 614-234-7535
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Gregory L Runser, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Family Medicine

4.9 out of 5 (350 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group Grove City Family Health
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Phone: 614-627-1880
Ryan A Anthony, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network

4.9 out of 5 (155 ratings)

Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
More Location Information
Phone: 614-627-2000
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Sharistha I Peerzade, MD
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  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Family Medicine

4.8 out of 5 (415 ratings)

Mount Carmel Medical Group North
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Phone: 614-627-1410
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
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