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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

Showing 1-8 of 8 Provider Results

Britton D Rink, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Maternal Fetal Medicine East
More Location Information
Phone: 614-234-9364
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Phillip J Shubert, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Health System Physicians
More Location Information
Phone: 614-234-6525
Christopher T Lang, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Maternal Fetal Medicine East
More Location Information
Phone: 614-234-9364
Richard W O'Shaughnessy, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Maternal Fetal Medicine East
More Location Information
Phone: 614-234-9364
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
MaternOhio Clinical Associates
More Location Information
Phone: 614-459-1000
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Maternal Fetal Medicine East
More Location Information
Phone: 614-234-9364
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Health System Physicians - Maternal Fetal Medicine
More Location Information
Phone: 380-898-4000
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Mount Carmel Health System Physicians - Maternal Fetal Medicine
More Location Information
Phone: 380-898-4000
Britton D Rink, MD

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
6001 E Broad St
1st Fl, Main Hospital
Columbus, OH 43213

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Britton D Rink, MD

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
5300 N Meadows Dr
1st Floor Main Hospital
Grove City, OH 43123

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Britton D Rink, MD

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
1st Floor Maternity Pavilion
Westerville, OH 43081

Britton D Rink, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Phillip J Shubert, MD

Phillip J Shubert, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
6001 E Broad St
MCE Labor & Delivery Unit
Columbus, OH 43213

Phillip J Shubert, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Phillip J Shubert, MD

Phillip J Shubert, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
1st Fl Women's Pavilion
Westerville, OH 43081

Phillip J Shubert, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Christopher T Lang, MD

Christopher T Lang, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
6001 E Broad St
1st Fl, Main Hospital
Columbus, OH 43213

Christopher T Lang, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Christopher T Lang, MD

Christopher T Lang, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
1st Floor Maternity Pavilion
Westerville, OH 43081

Christopher T Lang, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Richard W O'Shaughnessy, MD

Richard W O'Shaughnessy, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
6001 E Broad St
1st Fl, Main Hospital
Columbus, OH 43213

Richard W O'Shaughnessy, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
David A Ruedrich, MD

David A Ruedrich, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
5150 Bradenton Ave
Ste A
Dublin, OH 43017

David A Ruedrich, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
1st Floor Maternity Pavilion
Westerville, OH 43081

Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
6001 E Broad St
1st Fl, Main Hospital
Columbus, OH 43213

Wanjiku Kabiru, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Jeffrey R Johnson, MD

Jeffrey R Johnson, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
Westerville, OH 43081

Jeffrey R Johnson, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
David B Fox, MD

David B Fox, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
500 S Cleveland Ave
Westerville, OH 43081

David B Fox, MD

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13