Research and Quality Improvement Projects

Mount Carmel’s Internal Medicine Residency Program has earned a reputation for innovation. In fact, many of our residents have made conference presentations on their work and published their research findings in a variety of esteemed medical journals. To make sure that innovative thinking and action continue, we’re always exploring and implementing quality improvement projects, and encourage our residents to take an active part in those conversations and opportunities.

The support of Mount Carmel Foundation, Internal Review Board (IRB), and Research Faculty is outstanding and promotes opportunities for residents to pursue their goals in research.

  • 2 Ohio ACP Chapter Champions Presented at the 2018 National ACP Conference in New Orleans
    • “Better Utilization of Lab Testing to Reduce BMP/CBC Draws”
    • “L.E.A.D.E.R. (Learning Expedited through Audiovisual Directed Education by Residents)”
  • Academic Alliance National Symposium at John Hopkins
    • “Better Utilization of Lab Testing to Reduce BMP/CBC Draws”
    • “L.E.A.D.E.R. (Learning Expedited through Audiovisual Directed Education by Residents)”
  • American College of Osteopathic Internists
    • “Ring Around the ROSEy: We All Fall Down. Syncope and the ROSE criteria”

Nationally Competitive Conference Presentations

  • Zvinoski, F. "The Wrong Turn to Tijuana: Dry Beri-Beri after Gastric Bypass Surgery." Case Reports in Neurology. Accepted for publication.
  • Kora, R. “Rifampicin in Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections: Acute Kidney Injury with Hemoglobin Casts.” Case Reports in Nephrology. 4/2018
  • Wooten, M., Hamilton, L. “Bedside Ultrasound Versus Chest Radiograph in the Detection of Pulmonary Edema: A Prospective Cohort Study”. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 7/2018
  • Patel, V., Pattisapu, A. “Nilotinib-induced acute pancreatitis in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia”. Case Reports in Gastroenterology. 5/2017

Our quality Improvement projects are system-wide and often focus on increasing patient satisfaction, reducing costs and improving efficiency. We encourage all our residents to be diagnostic practitioners in helping us to address these issues. In fact, we set aside designated conference time to brainstorm, plan, and execute individual and team initiatives. We also engage a full-time statistician to help mark our progress.