What to Expect at Your First Appointment

During your initial visit we will examine your slow healing wound and ask about your personal and medical history. From there, we may remove any dead tissue in or surrounding your wound. We may conduct testing if it is needed to make certain the wound is not infected. After that, your provider will develop a treatment plan and teach you how to best care for your wound at home. A follow-up appointment may be needed to ensure the wound is properly healing.

When To Visit a Wound Care Center

  • You have a sore or wound that hasn’t healed in 30 days (commonly experienced by people with diabetes).
  • Your sore is increasing in size, pain, swelling, there is a change in color or it has an unpleasant smell or odor.
  • You have an infected surgical wound.

Contact Our Center Promptly If You Notice Any of the Following:

  • Increased redness around the wound
  • An increase in drainage from the wound
  • A foul odor or abnormal smell
  • Fever or chills
  • An increase in pain or sensitivity
  • A red streak spreading from the wound
  • Tenderness at or in the area of the infected wound
  • The wound gets bigger, has blisters or dead tissue


You may be referred by a physician to one of our wound care centers. You also have the option to refer yourself if you are concerned about your wounds that are not healing properly. Please call your preferred location directly to schedule an appointment.

Insurance & Payment Policies

Our wound care centers accept most insurance plans, so please bring your insurance card to each visit. We’re also glad to discuss other payment arrangements if need be. If you have any questions about your benefits or what may be covered, please contact your insurance company directly.

Taking Care of Your Wounds

The information below shows some things you can do to help heal your wounds. For more information please refer to the full Wound Care Center Patient Guide

  • Care for your wound at home, as directed.
  • Take medication, if prescribed.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Rest as recommended by your provider.