Mount Carmel's Community Based Palliative Care Program Partners With You

Patients often struggle with the effects of a serious illness, and have a desire to continue curative treatment. Mount Carmel's Community Based Palliative Care (CBPC) Program helps physicians manage patient pain and symptoms while providing consultation for advance care planning and support. The goal of CBPC is to help your patients with their advance care planning and to be a consultant to you, their provider, to provide pain and symptom management where patients most want to be—in their own home.

The CBPC team of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse case managers and social workers will work together with you to provide an extra layer of support, including expert symptom management, communication and assistance navigating multiple providers and needs. The CBPC team will contact your office with recommendations for care and orders on an ongoing basis. Click here to learn more about this program.

If you'd like additional information or to make a referral, please call 614-234-0200 and ask for Community Based Palliative Care.